Now that's a spicy nacho
Once, on a trip to New Orleans, some friends and I were buying food to take with us. We came to the subject of chips, and the editor of our college newspaper, April, said, "Get Doritos. Everybody loves Doritos."
Well, for whatever reason, that made us laugh. And we'd continue saying that, and it would continue to piss her off, which also made us laugh even more.
But as the years have passed, it seems maybe April wasn't too far off base. And this picture from some steamy Sundance hot tub action would seem to back up her contention.
OR, here's an alternative caption, MySpace-style:
"Those chips look good."
Anyway, Defamer has its own little funny take on the photos (vodka! strawberries! Doritos!). And they're not porno or anything. Just some faux-lesbian action by some kinda chunky chicks. But the Doritos cracked me up.
I kinda love Doritos right now.
By Teej, at 8:43 PM
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