Slightly Better Haircut

Friday, February 24, 2006

That Kurdish Army is Ready for EVERYTHING

I know Teej has said something like this before, so I am probably copying him, but are rings of fire a common obstacle in warfare?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

As if the wearing the hat wasn't enough

Skin Stencil US Patent Issued In 1996

Finally, a hat designed for the ultimate fan. Now you can burn your favorite team logo right into your forehead! That's right, the logo portion your hat's adjustable headband has cutouts allowing the sun to sizzle your skin.
We suggest that you don’t apply any sun block to the part of your forehead that's under the headband and stay in the hot sun all day so tomorrow will truly be a red letter day!
(This suggestion is not endorsed by the National Cancer Institute.)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

All I need is Power-U

I think most hip-hop heads will find the name of this Web site funny.

Fun for the whole family

This is alternately frigtening and hilarious to me. The video itself is long. I can't imagine old it got in person, with these folks sitting there for a whole day and shooting shit.

Monday, February 20, 2006


I found this on accident, but it's pretty much the most logically accurate analysis of a comedian I've ever seen.